My Strongest TraitI believe that I have many traits that positively impact my academic life,
but my strongest trait has to be my persistence to do and be |
My HeroI remember a time where both my mother and I were ill. Neither of us could leave the house and barely had the strength to do anything but lay in bed. Despite this, my mother still made sure to take care of me and made sure I recovered from the illness. She gave me medicine, fed me soup and made sure to check if i needed anything during that time. For this and many more reasons, my mother is my hero. My mother has worked extremely hard to provide for me and my other siblings to ensure that we have the opportunity to succeed. She always encourages me to do my best and is extremely supportive. Seeing all the sacrifices she has made motivates me to give that extra effort so that I can repay her some day for all she has done for me. |
Personality TestI usually do not agree with the results I get from online tests, but this one was surprisingly accurate. The results and description for the adventurer personality type mostly reflect how I see myself. Adventurers are described as introverted, observant, and empathetic. They are also opem-minded and easy-going. These and many more traits were used to describe individuals of the adventurer type and I definitely relate to most if not all of them. Overall, I would say it is a fairly accurate test if you answer each prompt honestly. |