It was a delight to read chapters 4-7 of "Twelve Pillars" by Jim Rohn and Chris Widener. In these 4 chapters you witness the discourse between two men,
Charlie, an old man, and Michael, a middle aged man. Throughout the chapters, Michael looks to Charlie for advice to better his life because he feels stuck. Charlie then begins
to teach Michael about the pillars of succes that he learned from another successful man named Mr. Davis. Each chapter is pillar of success and in each meeting,
Charlie explains what each means and how Michael should go about executing them. After each talk, Michael takes what he learned and tries to apply it to his life.
It was easy to relate to most of the fellings Michael expressed in these chapters, which is why I felt just as motivated as Michael was to improve myself and act on each lesson Charlie gave him.
All of the pillars of success Charlie spoke of in these chapters are things I have previouly heard. Some I practice in my everyday life and others I do not. Nonetheless, They were all good advice and
lessons I plan to integrate into my daily routine. For example, chapter 4 -"Achieve Your Goals". In this chapter, Charlie tells Michael to write down his goals as this makes them real and sparks
positive thoughts on how to achieve said goal. This is something I want to do more of. Even writing down short term goals that can be achieved in a shorter time is extremely rewarding and motivating for me.
It pushes me to aim higher and to work harder so that I can achieve all that I have written down. Chapter 5- "The Proper Use of Time", was one that really stuck with me. Now more than ever you realize that
life is so short, you cannot waste it on things that are not important and will not benefit you. It is ok to dream big as long as it is something you are working towards achieving everyday. Do not live your life
afraid and in regret because you decided to settle. That is something that I am definitely paying more attention to. How I spend my time is important because time lossed cannot be regained.
Currently I am working towards a Bachelor of Science in Computing. I am in my second year in this potential four year degree and I have enjoyed the journey so far. So far I have learnt quite a few skills
that have proven useful. My problem solving, critical thinking, and observation skills have been greatly beneficial to my learning process over these semesters. I will continue to improve on them and learn
other useful life and communication skills.